07 Jun 2015 Back to School Improvement
This is a very robust, local programme, which sees each school have a thorough review by three other headteachers in our federation.
We have already completed reviews on Mansel Park Primary School, Fairisle Junior School, Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School and Redbridge Primary School. The other schools will be reviewed in the autumn term 2015.
We see this process as strengthening the cooperation and trust between our schools. It sits alongside OfSTED as a more locally targeted way of holding our schools to account so they deliver the best possible education to the young people of Southampton.
The reviews are supportive, but the are also challenging, and each review is followed up by workshops led by Improvement Champions - senior leaders from our schools, who act on the outcome of the peer review and keep the school being reviewed on track as it works towards addressing any issues raised.